Dear learner,
This module covers key concepts in Grade 11 physics, including the role of physics in society, physics communities, vector types, graphical and algebraic methods of vector addition, uniformly accelerated motion, Newton’s laws, friction, energy conservation, impulse, and momentum. It also emphasizes the importance of designing online learning activities and assessments to promote academic integrity, authenticity, learner engagement, and skill development. The module encourages reflection on how to structure activities to foster academic integrity, real-world applications, universal design for learning, and community building in an online environment.
By the end of the module, you should be able to
- Demonstrate an understanding of how physics contributes to societal progress and how knowledge in physics is constructed.
- Explain the societal applications of physics and its impact on modern developments.
- Discuss recent advancements or discoveries in the field of physics.
- Understand the role of physics communities in shaping research and development.
- Apply vector resolution techniques to resolve vectors into their x and y components and perform graphical vector addition.
- Calculate and apply scalar (dot) products of vectors and determine the components of forces in a given system.
- Analyze and solve problems involving uniformly accelerated motion, uniform circular motion, Newton’s laws of motion, and conservation of linear momentum, including graphical representations and work-energy calculations.
1: Physics and Human society
Lesson 1: Importance of physics to society
Lesson 2: Physics Communities and Their Roles
Lesson 3: Making of physics knowledge
Lesson 4: The Mission of Physics and Carrier Awareness
Lesson 5: Current Status of Physics
2: Vectors
Lesson 6: Vectors and Types of Vectors
Lesson 7: Graphical Method of Addition of Vectors in Two Dimensions (2-D)
Lesson 8: Algebraic Method of addition of vectors in Two Dimensions (2-D)
3: Motion in one and Two Dimensions
Lesson 9: Uniformly accelerated motion in 1D
Lesson 10: Equations of uniformly accelerated motion in 1D
Lesson 11: Graphical Representation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion in 1D
Lesson 12: Vertical motion
Lesson 13: Uniform Circular Motion
4: Dynamics
Lesson 14: The Concept of Force
Lesson 15: Newton’s Laws of motion
Lesson 16: Frictional force
Lesson 17: The first Condition of Equilibrium.
Lesson 18: Work, Energy and Power
Lesson 19: Conservation of mechanical energy
Lesson 20: Impulse and Linear momentum
Assessment in this Module May Include:
- Quizzes and tests, Assignments
- Mid Exam
- Final Exam
- student text book
- Physicist Phun