Welcome to Module 2!
Dear Learner,
This module provides a comprehensive knowledge and concept of grade 9 Geography with four chapters. The fifth unit deals with MAJOR ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN ETHIOPIA, the sixth unit focuses about HUMAN – NATURAL ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS IN ETHIOPIA, the seventh unit discusses about CONTEMPORARY GEOGRAPHIC ISSUES AND PUBLIC CONCERNS IN ETHIOPIA and the last unit deals with GEOGRAPHY INQUIRY SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES.
As you work through this module, you will be asked to think about the following key questions:
- Do my activities and assessments help learners develop core skills and competencies that align with my course learning outcomes?
- Have I structured my activities and assessments to help to build academic integrity?
- Are my assessments authentic, reflecting discipline-specific, real-world problems and challenges?
- Do my activities and assessments follow the principles of universal design for learning?
- Do my activities and assessments help to foster learner engagement and build community in the course?
By the end of the module, you will be able to;
- recognize the importance of the major economic activities of Ethiopia;
- examine the trade and transport systems of Ethiopia;
- appreciate cultural landscapes and their contribution to tourism industry.
- describe the relationship between human activities and the environment by giving examples from their localities;
- describe the link between ‘optimal’ population and sustainable development;
- explain how protecting the environment is in the interest of humans and other living beings;
- examine the dynamic flows, interactions and exchanges within an integrated human-environment system at different spatial and temporal scales in the highlands and lowlands of Ethiopia
- recognize the implication of trends in population growth on sustainable resources
- assess how humans use natural resources and give examples that illustrate over exploitation in the over-populated area of Ethiopia
- explain the advantages and disadvantages of underpopulation for environmental and socio-economic development;
- assess the impacts of rapid population on environmental and socioeconomic development
- state causes of natural resource degradation;
- explain the effects of natural resource degradation;
- elaborate Ethiopia’s vision to achieve development without undermining the potential of the natural environment.
- recognize the concept of a map and its basic components;
- categorize scales and interpret maps at different scales;
- make measurements of area and distances using maps;
- demonstrate position on maps and make sketch maps; and
- undertake investigate, gather geographic information and analyze the data using appropriate techniques.
5: Major Economic And Cultural Activies In Ethiopia
Lesson 1: Major Economic Activities In Ethiopia
Lesson 2: Contribution Of Subsistence Farming And Cash Crop To The Ethiopia Economy
Lesson 3: Road Safety In Ethiopia
6: Human – Natural Environment Interactions In Ethiopia
Lesson 4: Human-Environment Relationship
Lesson 5: Optimum Population And Resource Use
Lesson 6: Impacts Of Rapid Population Growth
7: Contemporary Geographic Issues And Public Concerns In Ethiopia
Lesson 7: Natural Resource Degradation
8: Geography Inquiry Skills And Techniques
Lesson 8: Map And Its Basic Components
Lesson 9: Position On Maps
Lesson 10: Map Sketching
- Quizzes, Tests and assignments
- Mid-term exam
- Final exam
- Grade 9 Geography text book
- Extreme Geography
- Royal Geography
- Top Geography