Dear Learner,
This module in the Grade 11 English curriculum for Ethiopia focuses on developing students’ integrated language skills through real-life themes such as irrigation, global warming, and heroism. Students will engage in a range of activities designed to enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities. Emphasis is placed on improving students’ understanding of environmental issues, while also developing their linguistic competence in areas such as narrative construction, essay writing, and effective communication through debates, public speeches, and business correspondence.
By exploring topics of global importance, students will gain valuable insights and practice using English in diverse contexts, preparing them for both academic and everyday communication. Through this module, they will master key grammatical structures, expand their vocabulary, and become adept at comprehending, summarizing, and synthesizing both oral and written texts.
By the end of the Grad 11 English course, you should be able to:
- Listen for general and specific information in texts related to topics such as irrigation and global warming.
- Predict the message of a text using background knowledge and contextual clues.
- Identify, summarize, and synthesize information from reading and listening texts.
- Present logical and well-structured speeches and engage in debates on environmental and historical topics.
- Write various forms of essays, including compare-and-contrast essays, argumentative essays, and descriptive essays.
- Use grammar structures accurately, including adverbial clauses, conditional sentences, gerund and infinitive phrases, and verb moods.
- Retell and create stories based on texts, making effective use of note-taking and organization.
- Express opinions, likes, dislikes, and aspirations using appropriate language.
- Demonstrate correct usage of tense, including the simple past, present, and future tenses.
- Write formal letters and narratives that convey clear and cohesive ideas.
6: Global warming
Lesson 1: Listening Skills
Lesson 2: Speaking skills:
Lesson 3: Reading Skills and vocabulary
Lesson 4: Grammar
Lesson 5: Writing Skills
7: Patriotism
Lesson 6: Listening Skills
Lesson 7: Speaking skills:
Lesson 8: Reading Skills and vocabulary
Lesson 9: Grammar
Lesson 10: Writing Skills
8: Efficiency of Health Services
Lesson 11: Listening Skills
Lesson 12: Speaking skills:
Lesson 13: Reading Skills and vocabulary
Lesson 14: Grammar
Lesson 15: Writing Skills
9: Indigenous Conflict Resolution
Lesson 16: Listening Skills
Lesson 17: Speaking skills:
Lesson 18: Reading Skills and vocabulary
Lesson 19: Grammar
Lesson 20: Writing Skills
10: Artificial Intelligence
Lesson 21: Listening Skills
Lesson 22: Speaking skills:
Lesson 23: Reading Skills and vocabulary
Lesson 24: Grammar
Lesson 25: Writing Skills
Assessment in this module may include:
- Quiz and test
- Mid Exam
- Final Exam
- You will be continuously assessed by the tests presented at the end of every lesson.
- All assessments consist of automatically graded multiple-choice questions with explanatory feedback. Each question offers four answer choices, marked by small square checkboxes. While the options may not always be labeled A, B, C, or D, you can interpret the checkboxes in that order.
- English Grade 11 student text book based on new curriculum
- Extreme English G-11
- Alpha English G-11