Module Description
Welcome to Grade 9 Summary Note!
This module provides a comprehensive knowledge and concept of grade 12 Geography with eight chapters. The first unit focuses on MAJOR GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES ASSOCIATED WITH PLATE TECTONICS,the second unit deals with CLIMATE CHANGE, the third unit focuses about MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICT OVER RESOURCES,the fourth unit focuses about POPULATION POLICIES PROGRAMS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, the fifth unit deals with CHALLENGES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , the sixth unit focuses about SOLUTIONS TO ENVIRONMENTAL AND SUSTAINABILITY PROBLEMS , the seventh unit discusses about CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL GEOGRAPHIC ISSUES AND PUBLIC CONCERNS and the last unit deals with GEOGRAPHICAL ENQUIRY AND MAP MAKING.
Geographers across the world are united by the similar questions they ask and the common set of basic concepts they employ to consider their answers. Of either a physical or cultural phenomenon, geographers enquire: What is it? Where is it? How did it come to be what and where it is? Where is it in relation to other physical or cultural realities that affect it or affected by it? How is it part of a functioning whole? How does its location affect people’s lives and the content of the area in which it is found? These questions form the core of the enquiry skills which are, in turn, believed to be the main contribution of Geography to the development of core skills in 21st century.
In the module the contents and description are organized and developed based on fundamental and unifying themes in Geography. These mainly focus on physical aspects, human-environment interaction, contemporary Geographical issues, Geographic enquiry and map making. These promote arguments and use of evidence in day-to-day lives in the process of developing knowledge, skill, values and attitudes. Besides, variety of strategies are addressed to create a range of learning opportunities in the topics suited to the need of all learners by following a thematic approach of the study in Geography.
The physical environmental aspects focused on geological processes associated with plate tectonics and resulted land features as well as concept and related basic issues of climate change. The human-environment interaction addresses the issues of sustainable development in relation to natural resource use and management as well as population and socio-economic development. In connection with this, challenges related to economic development and solutions to environmental and sustainability problems are treated in the module. Besides, the climate change, desertification, drought and famine topics are addressed as the contemporary Geographical issues. Finally, fundamental of research in Geography as an enquiry and GIS data and map making using GIS are addressed in the module.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Explain the theory of continental drift and controversies surrounding it.
Describe the movement of the lithospheric plates over geological time.
Explain the main types of plate boundary and how they interact at triple junctions.
Describe the driving and retarding forces that influence plate motion at different plate boundaries.
Explain how plate movements relate to plate boundaries.
Explain the major geological processes in the formation of continents.
Explain the effects of on the major geological processes on human lives
Explain basic concepts of climate change;
Distinguish between natural and human induced climate change;
Analyze trends in climate change in Ethiopia and the world at large;
Recognize the major climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies;
Assess the major international conventions and agreements in views of their aspirations and achievements;
Explain the purpose and Pillars of Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy of Ethiopia
Recognize the meaning of sustainable development; „
Identify the main focuses, goals and principles of sustainable development; „
Explain the principles and characteristics of good governance; „
Examine the problem of land management and policy of Ethiopia.
Identity major population growth and development theories; „
Analyze the impact of population policies on population growth; „
Relate population growth to socio- economic development and environmental health;
Recommend strategies aimed at balancing population growth with environmental resources
identify the major global economic challenges by assessing global risks and priorities;
analyze the advantages and limitations of globalization to the developing world;
explain why and how trade imbalance occurs between developing and developed world;
describe the impact of corruption on economic development;
explain the major global health issues and problems;
recognize the major causes and effects of poverty.
1.1: Continental Drift Theory
1.2: Plate Tectonics Theory
1.3: Plate Movements and Plate Boundaries
1.4: Major Geological Processes
2.1: Basic Concepts of Climate Change
2.2: Trends in Global Climate Change
2.3: Natural and Human Induced Climate Change
2.4: Consequences of Climate Change
2.5: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies to Climate Change
2.6: International conventions and agreements on climate
2.7: Pillars of Climate Resilient Green Economy of Ethiopia
3.1: The Concept of Sustainable Development
3.2: Resource Use Policies and Related Conflicts
3.3: Governance of Natural Resources
3.4: Indigenous Conflict Resolution Practices
4.1: Theories on Population Growth and Development
4.2: Population Policies
4.3: Measures Taken to Curb Growth of Population
4.4: Relationship Between Population & Socio-economic Development
4.5: Relationship Between Population and Environmental Health